I've three models User, Group, Employee. Implemented Single Table Inheritance between User and Group model. But I don't want single table inheritance in Employee model which inherits User model but want to convert User model object as Employee model object. I achieved it by adding a piece of code, self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled in Employee model and by calling the becomes() method on User object. It works in Rails 3.2.8 but not working in Rails 3.2.13 version.
Exception is:
NoMethodError (undefined method `_type_disabled=' for #<Employee:0xb429428>)
Code snippet is:
class Employee < User
self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled
def self.current
Please give me a solution to achieve this in Rails 3.2.13 too. Thanks in advance!
I got the answer from my friend, we just need to define as virtual attribute in corresponding Model (In my case, Employee Model)
attr_accessor :_type_disabled
self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled