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Shrink databases in case a database split

Due to a new architecture I have to split the current database in 2 databases both of them having 50% of the initial database (= 15GB).

1/ Is this a good idea to execute DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (0) for the 2 newly created databases? I'm asking this as I've read many articles stating the shrinking database leads to fragmentation.

2/ Is a good approach to set both databases as SIMPLE recovery while doing the separation and then to set it to FULL back?

What is the action you recommend to apply in this cases?


  • Shrinking obviously is there is no chance the space gets reiused. THat said ,the database initially is on the really tiny size - I have databases here that have multiple files and earch is larger. So, the gain may simply not worth it.

    But it is a valid case for shrinking IF the database will not grow back in reasonable time and you need the space.