"Syntax error: Invalid CSS after \"...th($_keys, $_n)\": expected \")\", was \": $_value);\"
on line 57 of *myPath*/sass/lib/susy/math/_maps.scss
from line 4 of *myPath*/sass/lib/susy/_math.scss
from line 4 of *myPath*/sass/lib/susy/language/_susy.scss
from line 4 of *myPath*/sass/lib/_susy.scss
from line 4 of *myPath*/sass/screen.scss"
I am getting this syntax error when trying to use the new Susy 2 with Compass. I wanted to upgrade from version 1 manually and copied the contents of the downloaded sass folder into my sass/lib. Therefore, I do the import with @import "lib/_susy";
Anyone knows if this is my fault or a bug?
Had these problems as well. To fix, I had to:
gem install sass -v 3.3.0.rc.5
)gem install compass -v 1.0.0.alpha.18
)This should fix it for you, too.
Edit: Sass 3.3 has now officially been released, so you can install the production version. Compass 1 is still in prerelease.