I am trying to integrate inMobi ads into my Monaca project. The current Monaca tutorial seems to be outdated so I talked to one of the InMobi staff. He told me to put this code in where I want it.
<script type="text/javascript">
var inmobi_conf = {
siteid : myID,
slot : "15",
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://cf.cdn.inmobi.com/ad/inmobi.js"></script>
myID is obviously replaced with my property ID. Whenever I add this between or outside a ons-scroller tag I cannot see the ads. The only time when the ads work is when I put it in index.html before the ons-screen tag, but then I am not able to move the ad to the bottom. Where is the best place to put this code in the page I want?
Thanks, Ben
You can add it in index.html after ons-screen. and then position it with this css.
.inmobi-ad {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;