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How to create a larger array out of smaller ones? segmentation error

I'm currently trying to create a 320x240 array for an image but the pixels are sent by line(320 at a time). And so I thought about just running a loop that counts 240 so that at each count I insert my smaller array[320] to that of the bigger array[240][320]

here is the code I've done so far.

int main()
    int mi,mj,this;
    while(this < 240)

    for(mi = 0; mi < 240; mi=mi+1)
        printf("\npctureArray [%d][%d]\n",mi,320);
        for(mj=0; mj < 320;mj=mj+1)
    return 0;
void decodeHex(char * encodedString,unsigned long * hexConverted)
    int i;
    unsigned long offset = 0x41;
    for(i=0;i<strlen(encodedString);i = i+3)
           *hexConverted = (((unsigned long)encodedString[i]- offset) << 8)  |  (((unsigned long)encodedString[i+1] - offset) << 4) | ((unsigned long)encodedString[i+2] - offset);
           hexConverted = hexConverted + 1;


void compile(int i,unsigned long * ptr)
    int j;
    for(j= 0;j<320;j=j+1)
           pictureArray[i][j] = (unsigned long)*(ptr+j);


the decoder part of the code receives a char array[960] and so it is converted to unsigned long array[320] <--- 960/3 = 320 RGBs

I'm confused as to why my code has segmentation error. Can anyone take a peek and tell me if there's something I'm missing here


  • Set the intial value of this.

    this = 0;

    Without initialization, this will not be containing 0.