MongoDB supports a continueOnError option so that batch insert continues even if there is a failure in a single document insertion.
Is there a way to achieve this using spring-data version 1.3.3.RELEASE. I am using the MongoOperations class and I don't see an API that allows me to do this.
You should set this through the writeConcern options for MongoTemplate
new WriteConcern(<Your options>).continueOnErrorForInsert(true));
Alternately there should be a constructor for for WriteConcern that does this as well.
More specifically as a usage, I set a Bean in a config class:
public @Bean
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(mongoDbFactory());
WriteConcern writeConcern = new WriteConcern(2);
return mongoTemplate;
And then later on, set up the operations:
MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx.getBean("mongoTemplate");
Collection collection = new Collection() { ... }
mongoOperation.insert(collection,"collection"); // Uses the writeConcern options