Search code examples

I could not be able to get the first value in a list sorted

I am working on the shell sort, but i could not get the first value in the list sorted. for example. if list{7, 2 ,6, 4, 5), after sorting list{7, 2, 4,5,6}. Could you guys help please! public static void segmentedInsertionSort(int[] list, int n, int h) { int j;

     int temp;
    for(int i = h; i < n; i++)

        j = i - h;
        while(j >0)
            if (list[j] > list[j + h]))
                temp = list[j];
                list[j] = list[j + h];
                list[j + h] = temp;
                j = j - h;

                j = 0;

public static void shellSort(int[] list, int n)
    int h = 1;
    while (h < n/3)
        h = h*3 +1;

    while(h > 0)
        segmentedInsertionSort(list, n, h);
        h = (h - 1)/3;



  • First of all, check the wiki for shellSort.

    Since j index never checks 0 index element, first element never compared to following ones. For neater versions refer to here.

    Bug is corrected as below.

    segmentedInsertionSort(int[] list, int n, int h) {
       while(j >= 0) {
          j = -1;