I was using mybatis-3.1.1 and there was no issue in the following code.
DAO Implementation
public ItunesPriorityReportDates getWeeklyPriorityDates(Date reportRunDate){
ItunesPriorityReportDates itunesPriorityReportDates = new ItunesPriorityReportDates();
Map<String,Object> weeklyPriorityDatesParamMap = new HashMap<>();
weeklyPriorityDatesParamMap.put("reportRunDate", reportRunDate);
log.debug("Report Run Date : " + reportRunDate);
return itunesPriorityReportDates;
public ItunesPriorityReportDates getWeeklyPriorityDates(Map<String,Object> weeklyPriorityDatesParamMap);
Mapper XML.
<select id="getWeeklyPriorityDates" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" statementType="CALLABLE">
{CALL external_reporting.itunes_sales.get_weekly_priority_dates(#{reportRunDate mode=IN, jdbcType=DATE},
#{ariaWeekStartDate mode=OUT, jdbcType=DATE},
#{ariaWeekEndDate mode=OUT, jdbcType=DATE},
#{itunesAccountPeriodStartDate mode=OUT, jdbcType=DATE},
#{itunesAccountPeriodEndDate mode=OUT, jdbcType=DATE}
After upgrading to mybatis-3.2.5 now it is passing null as DATE to Oracle procedure.
Can you please help me with this? Not sure whether I have to update my mapper XML and include something to tell it to parse correctly.
I am using java.util.Date in java.
Thanks Chirag
Got solution from Eduardo Macarron (myBatis developer)
I got it. It is an interesting finding. Have a look at the expression you posted.
There is no comma separating the property name and the mode!
What is happening is that 3.0 and 3.1 admitted using an space as a separator, though that was undocumented, untested and at least in my case unknown :)
3.2 parsing code was improved and now it supports a well defined grammar:
And the space is not a valid separator (so properties can in fact be called "input date").
This change was unwanted but was introduced in 3.2 one year ago so I am afraid we cannot go back.
I hope you just missed the comma and that was not intentional. Sorry!