When intercepting an error from MySql, it's not known beforehand what will be the contents of the error-class passed to me. So I code:
.catchError((firstError) {
sqlMessage = firstError.message;
try {
sqlError = firstError.osError;
} catch (noInstanceError){
sqlError = firstError.sqlState;
In this specific case I'd like to know whether e contains instance variable osError
or sqlState
, as any of them contains the specific errorcode. And more in general (to improve my knowledge) would it be possible write something like if (firstError.instanceExists(osError)) ...
, and how?
This should do what you want:
import 'dart:mirrors';
// info about the class declaration
// info about the current instance
var m = reflect(firstError).type.instanceMembers[#osError];
var hasOsError = m != null && m.isGetter;