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Yeoman Angular.js grunt serve-d app has very long latency from livereload.js?snipver=1

I followed Yeoman's guide to set up an Angular.js app. I didn't change anything except for the hostname from "localhost" to "".

When I did grunt serve, there were no errors. Eventually I do get to see the "'Allo, 'Allo" front page, but only after over 30 seconds of latency from livereload.js?snipver=1, which failed to GET. As you can see on the right, the server doesn't output anything unusual.

livereload.js failed and causes a long latency

My entire project is on github.

I grep-ped for livereload and found a few suspects:

  • /node_modules/grunt-contrib-connect/node_modules/connect-livereload/index.js has these two functions below containing the livereload url. The first one links to "http://my.ip.addr.ess:9000/livereload.js", which has a "Cannot GET".

    function getSnippet() {
        /*jshint quotmark:false */
        var snippet = [ 
            "<!-- livereload script -->",
            "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.write('<script src=\"http://'",
            " + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0]",
            " + ':" + port + "/livereload.js?snipver=1\" type=\"text/javascript\"><\\/  script>')",
        return snippet;
      function snippetExists(body) {
        if (!body) return true;
        return (~body.lastIndexOf("/livereload.js?snipver=1"));
  • My Gruntfile.js which set livereload to be true, which I would like to keep.

Does anyone have a clue?


I tried on a brand new machine again, from scratch. I still get the same problem! This time the Status of livereload says "net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".

enter image description here

More information: I'm running on AWS EC2 with only ports 8000 and 9000 open.


  • After thinking about it, I determined that it couldn't have been Yeoman or any of my Ubuntu server's fault, because nothing changed after I wiped the machine clean and started over. It wasn't a blocked IP on the browser either, because both Chrome and Firefox had the same problem. It wasn't a blocked IP on my client machine because the problem persisted on another machine.

    The light bulb went off when I actually looked into the exact URL livereload was requesting. It was requesting on port 35729, a port I haven't opened up on my AWS EC2 account!

    enter image description here

    After I opened up that port, it worked flawlessly!