I have the following php
script that does not work with bindValue, but works if I put the params into the SQL
string(i.e. if I use the commented line instead of the 6 lines later, it works).
$PDOconnessione = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=eser_php-jquery","root","root");
/*$query = $PDOconnessione->prepare("INSERT INTO appartamento (Tipologia, Prezzo, CodCitta, Descrizione)
VALUES ('" . $_GET["tipologia"] . "','" . $_GET["prezzo"] . "','" . $_GET["citta"] . "','" . $_GET["descrizione"] . "')" ); */
$query = $PDOconnessione->prepare("INSERT INTO appartamento (Tipologia, Prezzo, CodCitta, Descrizione)
VALUES (:tipologia, :prezzo, :codcitta, :descrizione)");
$query->bindValues(':tipologia', $_GET["tipologia"]);
$query->bindValues(':prezzo', $_GET["prezzo"]);
$query->bindValues(':codcitta', $_GET["citta"]);
$query->bindValues(':descrizione', $_GET["descrizione"]);
echo $PDOconnessione->lastInsertId();
$PDOconnessione = null;
It's the first time that I try to use this method, so it's probably a simple error, but what is it?
The method name is bindValue
, not bindValues
. Had you enabled error reporting, you'd have found this out easily.