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How to provide a converter that shows up in Convert dialog

Visual Studio 2010 (and newer versions) has the Convert command in the File > Open menu. I assume this is the right place where custom project converters should be integrated into the IDE.

enter image description here

This menu command shows a dialog where the user can select a converter...

enter image description here

I would like to know how a package can provide a converter, that shows up in that dialog.


  • It's not documented IMHO (at least I can't find it anywhere). It's based on the content of a file called convert.dir located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE (for Visual Studio 2010). This file may not exist or its size may be 0.

    When defined, it contains a list of lines, each line corresponding to a converter. The line format is 5 values separated by the '|' character, like this;

    relative path to .vsz|relative icon path|localized name|localized description|priority

    As an exemple, in my old Visual Studio 2008 installation, here is the content of Convert.dir:


    The .vsz file is a standard Visual Studio wizard file.