I´m quite new to iOS and Sprite Kit programming and wonder how to combine:
-[SKAction runAction:withKey:]
-[SKAction runAction:completion:]
On the one side, I want to prevent a node from running the same action (or action sequence) again, on the other, I want to react to the termination of an action, but there is no method and, as far as I see, no way to use both at the same time.
Use +runBlock:
action in +sequence:
like this:
SKAction *yourAction = ...
SKAction *completion = [SKAction runBlock:^{
// Your code.
SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence:@[ yourAction, completion ]];
[node runAction:sequence withKey:yourKey];
If you use this multiple times, create SKNode
category with such method:
- (void)runAction:(SKAction *)action withKey:(NSString *)key completion:(void(^)(void))block;