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Range Construction Pattern

Given the following code

import std.datetime: Clock, SysTime, Duration;
SysTime[] times;
const n = 3;
foreach (i; 0..n) times ~= Clock.currTime;

is there a simpler, perhaps functional, higher order pattern with which to achieve the same goal?

A bonus would to be, when possible, minimize copyings of the elements perhaps through some in-place construction pattern.

See also:


Ok here's my try so far:

enum arityMin0(alias fun) = __traits(compiles, fun());

auto apply(alias fun, N)(N n) if (isCallable!fun &&
                                  arityMin0!fun &&
                                  !is(ReturnType!fun == void) &&
    import std.range: iota, map;
    return!(n => fun);

called as, for instance,

import std.datetime: Clock;
auto times = 3.apply!(Clock.currTime).array;

One detail left. The restriction

arity!fun == 0

evaluate to false in

auto times = 3.apply!(Clock.currTime).array;

because arity is actually either 0 and 1 here.

So arity!fun evaluates to 1 in this case because Clock.currTime takes a defaulted argument.

Maybe we need arityMin and arityMax in std.traits aswell.

In that case should I use __traits(compiles to implement arityMin?


  • Evaluating currTime thrice:

    auto times =!(n => Clock.currTime).array();

    Evaluating currTime once:

    auto times = Clock.currTime.repeat(3).array();