Looking for the command line (or batch) that will do the following,
I have 3 levels of directories and need to search for a specific string contained in text files, searching all files, 1 level subdirectory down.
So I know this will recursively search for the string
findstr /S "STRING" *
But I don't want the search to go father than only 1 subdirectory level down.
Seems like a simple thing but I could not find anything solid. The closest thing I could find was something like this thread..
windows batch to recursively scan files in 1 level subfolders
However, before going batch is there a simpler (command line) way to this rather, apparently simple task?
Thanks for your time!
This should do it from the command line and write file.log
into the current folder
for /d %a in (*) do findstr "STRING" "%a\*">>file.log