I have to use Smalltalk to return the nth Fibonacci number, I haven't used this language before. This program returns 1 to any input and I don't know why. It didn't even iterate the for loop I think. Could someone help me? Thanks.
'Which fibonacci number do you want? (n>2)' printNl.
n := stdin nextLine asInteger.
(n <= 2)
ifTrue: ['Type a larger number, F(1) and F(2) equals 1!' displayNl.]
ifFalse: [
result:= 1.
parent := 1.
gparent := 1.
2 to: n do: [ :i | [
result := (parent + gparent).
gparent := parent.
parent := result.
'come on, do something' displayNl.
result displayNl.
You have an extra set of brackets in your loop body, which makes it create (but not execute) a block on each loop iteration. Here's what you meant to write:
2 to: n do: [ :i |
result := (parent + gparent).
gparent := parent.
parent := result.
'come on, do something' displayNl.