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Can't seem to find how to create a fact table

I'm trying to design a cube with iccube and following the walkthrough, I can't seem to be able.

In the walkthrough ( when creating a dimension, there is in the picture the "Is fact indexing" option available. But, when I' trying to create a multidimensional dimension, with any table, the option is never shown. The one I have are:

  • Name*
  • Table*
  • Unknown member
  • Time dimension
  • Default time dimension
  • Is indexing by range

So, when I get to add the cube, it only has the calc measure section.



  • Nicolas, the option 'Is Fact Indexing' is no more available that way. To reply to your question, once you've created a cube, you need to add some Facts (see the icon on the right side when hovering over the newly created cube). Those facts are also called 'Measure Group'. A cube can have one or more 'Measure Group'; each group being attached to a table.