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Updating Active Directory user properties in Active Directory using Powershell

In a Windows Server 2003 R2 environment, using Powershell v2.0, how would one duplicate the functionality of Set-QADUser to update user properties in Active Directory, like their phone number and title?

The trick here being, I would like to do this without depending on Set-QADUser and I do not have the option to use the Server 2008's commandlets, yet.



  • Piecing things together from around the internet, I came up with this...

    function Get-ADUser( [string]$samid=$env:username){
         $searcher=New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
          if ($user -ne $null ){
    $user = Get-ADUser 'UserName'
    # Output all properties
    # Change some properties
    $user.title = 'New Title'
    $user.telephoneNumber = '5555551212'
    # Output the results

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