I am developing a simple web app using nodejs, express and when i switched to session and csrf, my PUT, DELETE and POST Requests are failing. with error:
error: Forbidden at Object.exports.error (appFolder/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/utils.js:63:13) at createToken (appFolder/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/csrf.js:82:55)
I looked at this line, and found that it calls checkToken
which calls the defaultValue which finds the csrf token in the request like this:
function defaultValue(req) {
return (req.body && req.body._csrf)
|| (req.query && req.query._csrf)
|| (req.headers['x-csrf-token'])
|| (req.headers['x-xsrf-token']);
This was giving null or undefined value, and my checkToken was failing.
My PUT requests are generated by backbone and i just send the model's data. so i started sending back the token in cookie. I set the token in cookie like:
secret: '6767678376-3hudh-2u78di90-kjdu39i-jfujd'
app.use(function(req,res,next) {
console.log("Body " + JSON.stringify(req.headers));
return next();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.cookie('x-csrf-token', req.csrfToken());
console.log('CSRF : ' + req.csrfToken());
//res.session._csrf = req.csrfToken();
return next();
and changed the defaultValue(req)
function defaultValue(req) {
var csrf_token = (req.body && req.body._csrf)
|| (req.query && req.query._csrf)
|| (req.headers['x-csrf-token'])
|| (req.headers['x-xsrf-token']);
return csrf_token;
// find in cookie.
return undefined;
var csrfTokenInCookie = (req.headers['cookie'].split('x-csrf-token='));
if(csrfTokenInCookie && (csrfTokenInCookie.length == 2)) {
return csrfTokenInCookie[1];
var xsrfTokenInCookie = (req.headers['cookie'].split('x-xsrf-token='));
if(xsrfTokenInCookie && (xsrfTokenInCookie.length == 2)) {
return xsrfTokenInCookie[1];
Now defaultValue is giving the csrftoken token rightly, but again checkToken
is failing.
The file is here: csrf.js
What am i doing wrong ?
Or how can it not generate back the right-token ?
Your issue is with Express not sending the CSRF token back in a header for POST/PUT/DELETE requests. Express's CSRF middleware is doing the correct thing in rejecting these requests when the header is missing.
Here's info on adding the header you need in Backbone: How to protect against CSRF when using Backbone.js to post data?