Search code examples

CustomListViewAdapter cannot be applied in fragment

Any idea why this crashes on open? I am getting no errors now. I have read through the tutorial again and cannot see why my implementation is crashing.

Even with the OnItemClickListener() taken out it still crashes, I am lost for what the error is.

public class findFragment extends Fragment implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener{

    ListView list;
    List<RowItem> rowItems;

    public static final String[] titles = new String[] { "Strawberry",
            "Banana", "Orange", "Mixed" };

    public static final String[] descriptions = new String[] {
            "It is an aggregate accessory fruit",
            "It is the largest herbaceous flowering plant", "Citrus Fruit",
            "Mixed Fruits" };

    public static final Integer[] images = { R.drawable.test,
            R.drawable.test, R.drawable.test, R.drawable.test };

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.find, container, false);

        rowItems = new ArrayList<RowItem>();
        for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {
            RowItem item = new RowItem(images[i], titles[i], descriptions[i]);

        list = (ListView) view.findViewById(;

        CustomListViewAdapter adapter = new CustomListViewAdapter(getActivity(),
                R.layout.imglist, rowItems);

    return view;

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                        long id) {
    list.setItemChecked(position, true);


  • Use

      CustomListViewAdapter adapter = new CustomListViewAdapter(getActivity(),
                R.layout.imglist, rowItems);

    getActivity() returns the activity this fragment is associated with. You need activity context not this


       public class findFragment extends Fragment implements OnItemClickListener{

    You need to override onItemClick

