When facing data in the time domain i seem to run into problems setting the exact limits on the x-axis with matlab.
Thus i plot my data and give the xlim in matlab time and set the limits:
minTT = datenum(2008,10,31,17,12,00);
maxTT = datenum(2008,10,31,17,19,00);
xlim = ([minTT maxTT]);
Then i use the date tick option to convert the matlab timing to "real clock time".
The 'keep ticks' option is still better than none and i tried with both. But what i get out is a plot that is going from: 17:12:28 to 17:17:58.
I have tried editing the ticks on my own as suggested from another post at StackOverflow like this:
ticks = get(gca, 'xtick')
newTicks = linspace(ticks(1), ticks(end), 8);
set(gca,'Xtick', newTicks)
but even that doesn't work out and gives me limits from 17:12:28 to 17:17:31.
Is there any way to really force matlab to use specific times on the axis whether or not the data doesn't exactly start there?
You can use the 'keeplimits'
flag to datetick()
- it does just what it says, much like 'keepticks'