I've got a MenuBar that is setup as follows in FXML:
<MenuBar VBox.vgrow="NEVER">
<Menu mnemonicParsing="true" text="_File">
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="true" text="_New Project"/>
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="true" text="_Open…"/>
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="Quit"/>
This produces a menu as follows:
I've successfully styled the MenuBar
and the Menu
File with the following CSS:
.menu-bar { /* The menu bar itself */ }
.menu { /* The File menu item */ }
.menu:showing { /* menu when it's being shown (activated) */ }
.menu .label { /* Styles the text on a menu item */ }
.menu:showing .label { /* Styles the text on a menu item when activated */ }
However, I've been unable to style the menu that is displayed.
I've tried treating it as a ContextMenu:
.context-menu {
-fx-background-color: red;
Doesn't do anything (it's not a ContextMenu, so no big surprise here).
I've tried styling menu-item
and menu-button
.menu-item {
-fx-background-color: red;
This changes the menu (File), but not the menu items or the menu that is displayed.
I've tried selecting a substructure called .items
but that doesn't seem to exist.
To help clarify which elements I'm looking to style, I've added this image which outlines the components I'm wishing to style:
I think you forgot the -fx-skin
property in .context-menu
Follow the How to style menu button and menu items.