On our Rails application, we use Resque to process background jobs (we also use Resque Scheduler and Resque Status).
We're getting jobs in the queue that aren't being processed, however I can't see any details about them.
If I use redis-cli - I can pull up job details:
get "resque:status:bd2209c9......"
Which will show the timestamp, what queue it's in, it's uuid and any parameters, but not the class name. If I do the same on a job that has been run, then I can see the class name, messages etc.
So is there a way that I can find the class name for a job that is waiting to be run.
So after some digging:
Although you can look at the entire list (or a subset):
# This works for Resque 1.25.0
Resque.redis.lrange('queue:QUEUE_NAME', 0, -1)
Which will return an array of strings (encoded JSON). To decode the first item:
job = Resque.redis.lrange('queue:QUEUE_NAME', 0, 0).first
h = Resque.decode(job)
Which will then give you a hash to play with, but looking at the list was enough to see the class name. It helped that the queue I was looking at was pretty small.
There may be a better way at finding this out, but this worked for me.