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Get Add Connection event of Server Explorer window inside VS package

I'm trying to fire some changes on a Menu after a new connection is added or removed from the Server Explorer window on my Visual Studio package. So I'm looking for an event that I can subscribe or any other way that allows me to detect when a new Connection node is added. Does anybody has done something similar?. Any tips are greatly appreciated.


  • The server explorer is an IVsUIHierarchy similiar to the solution explorer. I haven´t tried it yet, but you should get access to the server explorer hierarchy by requesting an IVsServerExplorer instance, like:

    using Microsoft.VSDesigner.ServerExplorer;
    IVsServerExplorer explorer = (IVsServerExplorer) package.GetGlobalService(typeof(IVsServerExplorer));
    IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy;
    if ((hierarchy = explorer as IVsUIHierarchy) != null)

    Once you have the hierarchy you can subscribe for notifications...

    IVsHierarchyEvents eventSink = new ...
    uint cookie = 0;
    int result = hierarchy.AdviseHierarchyEvents(eventSink, out cookie);
    if (result != VSConstants.S_OK)

    You need to provide an IVsHierarchyEvents instance; this object will receive the notifications. I suggest to implement that interface to a listener class, which handles advise and unadvise properly (you need to keep the cookie, in order to unsubscribe from event notification).

    class HierarchyEventsListener : IVsHierarchyEvents, IDisposable
        private readonly IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy;
        private uint cookie;
        protected HierarchyEventsListener(IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy)
            this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
            int hr = this.hierarchy.AdviseHierarchyEvents(this, out cookie);
        public int OnItemAdded(uint itemidParent, uint itemidSiblingPrev, uint itemidAdded)
        public void Dispose()
            if (this.cookie != 0)
                this.cookie = 0;

    In your case you might be interested in the OnItemAdded- and/or OnItemsAppended-method, which allows you to query the newly added item...

    public int OnItemAdded(uint itemidParent, uint itemidSiblingPrev, uint itemidAdded)
        const int Property = (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption; // let´s ask for the caption (for instance)
        object value;
        int hr = this.hierarchy.GetProperty(itemidAdded, Property, out value);
        if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK)
        return VSConstants.S_OK;

    Maybe you´ll need to play with it to figure out, if the added item is a connection node (guess there´s a type property or such), or not.