I'm a newbie to XMPP and I'm looking to basically connect the PHP to an OpenFire installation on my localhost.
This is a piece of code I found (hack and slash I know but I can't seem to wrap my head around this). Anyway code just simply sends a message:
//username = user without domain, "user" and not "user@server" - home is the resource
$conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('my.server', 5222, 'username', 'password', 'home');
// Enables TLS - enabled by default, call before connect()!
$conn->message('someguy@someserver.net', 'This is a test message!');
My question is what should I replace my.server
with ? Tried looking but I couldn't find anything
Home is the resource
I have no idea what that means idea.
and password
Is that of any user on my OpenFire?
I'm looking for more advice than complete solutions. Thanks For Anything. Oh And Happy New Year!
Actually you also know a little about Openfire ,so this is the key point .
In this case , Openfire is your IM Server and the php snippet is your IM client . Before you connect to your IM server you should make some configuration in Openfire admin console . As you said install Openfire locahost ,then start Openfire and visit in your browser http://localhost:9090/
, if you never do this step , this means you do not finish to setup Openfire . When you make configuration you will see the admin user setting and password and some other parameters . After this step , you can login to Openfire by your admin username and password .
If you want to more test user , pleas visit Openfire admin console again ,and click user tab to new more users .
my.server = localhost, home = any string you like , this the resource in XMPP usually we use client application version like spark 2.0 or xmpphp3.8 .