Search code examples

Rails attribute value returned in hexadecimal

I am running the following active record query

Keyword.joins(:questions, :users, :associations).select("questions.*, keywords.keyword").where(users: {id:})

and presenting the results using wice_grid using the following code -

<%= grid(@questions, show_filters: :false) do |g|
  g.column name: 'ID', attribute: 'id', filter: false
  g.column name: 'Question', model:'Question', attribute: 'question'
  g.column name: 'Keyword', model:'Keyword', attribute: 'keyword'
end %>

The question attribute gets populated fine, but the keyword attribute shows up in hexadecimal value such as #< Keyword:0x00000104eb00a0>. Any idea why? Any help is highly appreciated.


  • From

    Please note that the blockless definition of the column only works with columns from the main table and it won’t work with columns with :model

    <%= grid(@questions, show_filters: :false) do |g|
      g.column name: 'ID', attribute: 'id', filter: false
      g.column name: 'Question', model:'Question', attribute: 'question'
      g.column name: 'Keyword', model:'Keyword', attribute: 'keyword' do |question|
    end %>