I use Locale::TextDomain in a Dancer environment with Template-Toolkit.
And yes, I know Dancer-Plugin-I18N and tried it, but I don't wan't to use it!
I read Defining_Custom_Virtual_Methods and adjusted it do my needs.
# load Template::Stash to make method tables visible
use Template::Stash;
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{ 'localize' } = sub {
return __(shift);
and in a view
[% localize("Hello") %]
That works very well.
But I would like to wrapp all the Locale::TextDomain functions like:
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__} = sub { return __x(shift) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__x} = sub { return __x(shift, @_) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__n} = sub { return __n(shift, shift, shift) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__nx} = sub { return __nx(shift, shift, shift, @_) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__xn} = sub { return __xn(shift, shift, shift, @_) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__p} = sub { return __p(shift, shift) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__px} = sub { return __px(shift, shift, @_) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__np} = sub { return __np(shift, shift, shift, shift) };
$Template::Stash::ROOT_OPS->{__npx} = sub { return __npx(shift, shift, shift, shift, @_) };
but unfortunately it is not possible the use '__' or '__x' as token.
So my question: How do I create '__' (and friends) root operations in Template-Toolkit?
Template Toolkit doesnt export functions that start with _ because they are considered private. You can get around this by setting the following before your Stash operations:
$Template::Stash::PRIVATE = 0;