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how to get absolute value of a number in java using bit manipulation

I want to implement a function to get the absolute value of a number in java: do nothing if it is positive, if it is negative, convert to positive.

I want to do this only using bit manipulations and no number comparators.

Please help


  • Well a negation:


    Is the same as the two's complement:

    ~n + 1

    The problem is here you only want to negate if the value is < 0. You can find that out by using a logical shift to see if the MSB is set:

    n >>> 31

    A complement would be the same as an XOR with all 1's, something like (for a 4-bit integer):

    ~1010 == 1010 ^ 1111

    And we can get a mask with the arithmetic right shift:

    n >> 31

    Absolute value says:

    • if n is < 0, negate it (take the complement and add 1 to it)
    • else, do nothing to it

    So putting it together we can do the following:

    static int abs(int n) {
        return (n ^ (n >> 31)) + (n >>> 31);

    Which computes:

    • if n is < 0, XOR it with all 1's and add 1 to it
    • else, XOR it with all 0's and add 0 to it

    I'm not sure there's an easy way to do it without the addition. Addition involves any number of carries, even for a simple increment.

    For example 2 + 1 has no carry:

    10 + 1 == 11

    But 47 + 1 has 4 carries:

    101111 + 1 == 110000

    Doing the add and carry with bitwise/bit shifts would basically just be a loop unroll and pointless.


    Just to be silly, here is an increment and carry:

    static int abs(int n) {
        int s = n >>> 31;
        n ^= n >> 31;
        int c;
        do {
            c = (n & s) << 1;
            n ^= s;
        } while((s = c) != 0);
        return n;

    The way it works is it flips the first bit, then keeps flipping until it finds a 0. So then the job is just to unroll the loop. The loop body can be represented by a somewhat ridiculous compound one-liner.

    static int abs(int n) {
        int s = n >>> 31;
        n ^= n >> 31;
        int c = (n & s) << 1;
        c = ((n ^= s) & (s = c)) << 1; // repeat this line 30 more times
        n ^= s;
        return n;

    So there's an abs using only bitwise and bit shifts.

    These aren't faster than Math.abs. Math.abs just returns n < 0 ? -n : n which is trivial. And actually the loop unroll totally sucks in comparison. Just a curiosity I guess. Here's my benchmark:

    Math.abs: 4.627323150634766ns
    shift/xor/add abs: 6.729459762573242ns
    loop abs: 12.028789520263672ns
    unrolled abs: 32.47122764587402ns
    bit hacks abs: 6.380939483642578ns

    (The bit hacks abs is the non-patented one shown here which is basically the same idea as mine except a little harder to understand.)