I have a query that gives me a number of pairs of context_id and class_id. I want one of those to be met by another query. So I need to do where (co1 and cl1) or (co2 and cl2) or...
This one gives me a series of and's:
foreach($tscarr as $tsc)
I know from this page: http://agiletoolkit.org/doc/dsql/where that I should be able to do or. But I get an error when trying to use or in this way:
Hope you have a good idea how to solve this...
You can use $dsql->orExpr()
There are multiple examples in Stackoverflow like this one https://stackoverflow.com/a/17958175/1466341 and also in ATK4 Google groups here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/agile-toolkit-devel just search for orExpr.
I guess in your case something like this should work (untested):
$q = $grid->dq;
$or = $q->orExpr();
foreach($tscarr as $tsc)
->where('context_id', $tsc['context_id'])
->where('class_id', $tsc['class_id'])