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How to display correct Swedish currency on IOS?

I wrote the code below to display given price with a Swedish currency:

+(NSString *) getPriceStringWithCurrencySymbolFor:(NSNumber *)price{
    NSDictionary *components = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"sv_SE" forKey:NSLocaleCurrencyCode];
    NSString *localeIdentifier = [NSLocale localeIdentifierFromComponents:components];
    NSLocale *localeForDefaultCurrency = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"sv_SE"];

    NSNumberFormatter *currencyFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
    [currencyFormatter setLocale:localeForDefaultCurrency];
    [currencyFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits:2];
    [currencyFormatter setMinimumFractionDigits:2];
    [currencyFormatter setAlwaysShowsDecimalSeparator:YES];
    [currencyFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];

    return [currencyFormatter stringFromNumber:price];

It shows price as 75:00 kr while it should show 75,00 kr. How can I fix that?


  • I tried using

    [currencyFormatter setCurrencyCode:@"SEK"];

    but that did not give the correct output.

    Then went through this link

    A work around could be to append the string of the currency, though am not too sure whether that will fulfill your requirement.