I have never used wordpress as a cms for a site so please forgive my obliviousness. I tried to google this for a bit with no luck, I think I am either phrasing this wrong or thinking about it incorrectly.
I have page on wordpress that I would like to feed in a bunch of "news" posts. Can I code this within the actual page (like the text input section). How would I go about doing this. Is it possible to have a plugin or some shorthand code that would feed in all the posts with a certain category, and further more is this possible to do within just the general page editor (just within the wp-admin panel). Again, sorry for my obliviousness, I feel like this is probably a pretty simple answer, but I haven't worked on wordpress in years.
Thank you for your time!! Any points to the right direction would be incredibly helpful.
You can try:
[display-posts tag="advanced" posts_per_page="20"]
This will list the 20 most recent posts with the tag ‘Advanced’.
For more options, check this: http://en.support.wordpress.com/display-posts-shortcode/