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Unique cell vectors

I try to find unique arrays in a cell array. Suppose I have 6 cells with the following vectors:

a{1}=[1 2];
a{2}=[1 2 3];
a{3}=[2 3 4];
a{4}=[1 2];
a{5}=[1 2 3];
a{6}=[2 3 4];

Then the result should be [1 2], [1 2 3] and [2 3 4]. I used u=(cellfun(@unique,a,'Un',0)), but it doesn't work, How can I do this?


  • Here a solution :

    u = unique(cellfun(@num2str,a,'Un',0));

    To transform them back to vector :

    u2 = cellfun(@str2num,u,'Un',0);