I want to use a console command from this bundle within my controller: http://knpbundles.com/dizda/CloudBackupBundle
The developer proposes cronjobs, however I want to use the command to backup my database from within my controller.
How would I do that? I am getting this error message when i simply try to register this command as a service:
You have requested a non-existent service "backupcommandservice".
Thanks for the help!
commands don't quite work that way. Per the note on http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/console/console_command.html#register-commands-in-the-service-container
registering a command as a service doesn't do much other than control location and dependency injection.
if you want to call a command: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/console/introduction.html#calling-an-existing-command
that being said you shouldn't call commands from within a controller since you're basically asking to wait for this command to finish executing before you return a response. You'd be better off just sending a request to a queue box (for example beanstalk) and have a worker perform the job.