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Naming standards for dimensional modeling

I am working on my first dimensional modeling assignment for a Data Warehouse project using Kimball's approach. As I prepare my model and think about physical objects, I wonder what is the recommended naming scheme for database objects. We're going to use Oracle, and we don't really have any standards at present. Any help would be appreciated.


  • You can take some ideas from the Oracle BI Applications Data Model. Log in to your Oracle support account and look for this document: Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Data Model Reference Version (Doc ID 1325948.1)

    These are some of the naming conventions included:


    W_ = Warehouse


    _A = Aggregate

    _D = Dimension

    _DH = Dimension Hierarchy

    _DHS = Staging for Dimension Hierarchy

    _DS = Staging for Dimension

    _F = Fact

    _FS = Staging for Fact

    _H = Helper

    _MD = Mini Dimension

    _TMP = Pre-staging temporary table

    For example: Sales fact table would be W_Sales_F

    This document from northwestern university has useful tips for naming columns, such as using prime, qualifier and class words (e.g. STUDENT_FIRST_NAME)

    The kimball group's design tip #71 contains general guidelines for naming conventions

    For example, a sales analyst would be interested in Sales numbers, but it turns out that this Sales number is really Sales_Commissionable_Amount, which is different from Sales_Gross_Amount and Sales_Net_Amount.