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In JQuery tablesorter - How do I change parser according to the sort order

I am using jQuery tablesorter on a table that has columns with comma separated number content. I added a Custom Parser and that solves my problem of sorting the comma formatted numbers. I want a special case, the value 'NA' to always be at the end of the sorted column, irrespective of the sort order. One way of doing that I figured is to "tweak" the Custom Parser I'm using in some way, like in the comment of below code.

    id: 'number-sorter',
    is: function (s) {
        return false;
    format: function (s) {
        return s.replace(/,/g, '');

        /* what I want here is -
        if(sortOrder == "asc")
            return s.replace(/,/g, '').replace('NA', Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
            return s.replace(/,/g, '').replace('NA', Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

    type: 'numeric'

I'm having problem with determining the sort order (the variable that I'm assuming 'sortOrder'). Or is there any other way of doing this?


  • Actually, from what it appears you are trying to do is sort non-numbers at the bottom of the table. I have a fork of tablesorter that has an option named stringTo which allows you to set where you want strings (non-numeric values) to sort: 'max', 'min', 'top', 'bottom', 'none' (treats a string as a number with the value of zero); so in your case, set the value to 'max'.

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