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QtQuick animation freezing on list and open serial ports

I wrote a C++ method to find all serial ports, open, write and close and use to Q_INVOKABLE to call this method from a QML. At QML, first I push a LoadingPage.qml to StackView and then I call the find() Serial Ports, inside the onClicked: Button slot.

The problem: It is a freezing on push a LoadingPage.qml to StackView if there are many serial ports connected, the animation start and then immediately freezes, when the function find finish the animation start again. [SerialPort.qml] How is it the better way to solve that?

Button {
    text: qsTr("start")
    onClicked: {

QVector<QString> Physical::find()

    foreach (const QSerialPortInfo &info, QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts()) {
        bool hasError = false;

        QSerialPort port;

        if ( {
            if (!hasError && !port.setBaudRate(serial::baudRate)) {
                emit error(tr("Can't set baud to %1, error %2")
                hasError |= true;
            if (!hasError && !port.setDataBits(serial::dataBits)) {
                emit error(tr("Can't set data bits to %1, error %2")
                hasError |= true;

            if (!hasError && !port.setParity(serial::parity)) {
                emit error(tr("Can't set parity to %1, error %2")
                hasError |= true;
            if (!hasError && !port.setStopBits(serial::stopBits)) {
                emit error(tr("Can't set stop bits to %1, error %2")
                hasError |= true;
            if (!hasError && !port.setFlowControl(serial::flowCtrl)) {
                emit error(tr("Can't set flow control to %1, error %2")
                hasError |= true;
            if (!hasError) {

            QByteArray data;
            data[0] = ID_READ;


    return m_ports;


  • Your code runs in the GUI thread, and since it blocks the GUI thread, the user interaction is stopped as well.

    You need to perform the scan in a separate thread. The Qt Concurrent framework is perfect for this, since you're performing a self-contained action that can be done in any thread. Your find() method can be turned into a stand-alone function or a static method (since that's what it really is). You could also capture this in a lambda.

    You'd then run it as follows:

    class Physical {
      QFuture<QStringList> m_future;
      QFutureWatcher<QStringList> m_futureWatcher;
      // A string list is a simpler type to type :)
      static QStringList doFindPorts() {
      Q_SLOT void findPortsFinished() {
        QStringList ports(m_future);
        // use the list of ports
      Physical() {
        connect(&m_futureWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(findPortsFinished()));
      Q_SLOT void findPorts() {
        if (m_future.isRunning()) return;
        m_future = QtConcurrent::run(doFindPorts);