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How to catch click event with jQuery, on dynamically created button

I have HTML table where I can create dynamically new rows. With every row, I also create a button which I can delete the row that have just created. But jQuery does not capture the event in rows created dynamically. HTML code:

<tbody id="nuevo_producto">
    <tr id="1">
        <td><input type = "hidden" name = "tabla-1">1</td>
        <td><input readonly="readonly" class = "form-control" placeholder = "Ref." type = "text" size = "15" id = "modelo_ref_1" name = "modelo_ref_1" value="122"></td>
        <td><input class = "form-control" placeholder = "Ref. C" type = "text" size = "15" id = "modelo_refc_1" name = "modelo_refc_1" value="231"></td>
        <td><input class = "form-control" placeholder = "Modelo" type = "text" size = "60" id = "modelo_modelo_1" name = "modelo_modelo_1" value="sadsadsad"></td>
        <td><input class = "form-control" placeholder = "PVP" type = "text" size = "15" id = "modelo_pvp_1" name = "modelo_pvp_1" value="12"></td>
        <td><button class="btn btn-default delete_row" id="1" value="eliminar_fila"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></button></td> <!-- Button to delete row -->
    <tr id="2">
    ... <!--another rows that I have created dinamically-->

jQuery code to delete the row that have just clicked

$(".delete_row").each(function() {
    $(this).on("click", function(e) {
        $("tr#" + $(this).attr("id")).remove();

The problem is that event button only works with existing rows. If I create a new row, the 'on click' event does not work.


  • You need to use Event Delegation

        $("tr#" + $(this).attr("id")).remove();


    Two HTML elements with same id attribute: How bad is it really?

    Id must be unique

    Change your html

    <tr id="1">


    <tr data-id="1">

    Than use




    <button class="btn btn-default delete_row" id="1"


    <button class="btn btn-default delete_row" data-id="1"

    Than use

