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dropbox, whats the difference between drop-in and datastores

I am going to build a simple gallery web site. It will go to dropbox to get all image files.

before i gets started, i need to choose between drop-in and datastores. for Datastores,Your app can only access data through the Datastore API. but what is drop-ins? I have a hard time to understand what this is. I also want to know why I should choose one over another.


  • Drop-ins are lightweight UI components that let you easily open a file from Dropbox or save a file to Dropbox.

    Datastores are basically NoSQL databases that live in a user's Dropbox. They don't deal with files at all; they let you store tables with records and fields.

    In your case, you probably don't want either. You want the Core API, which gives you full access to read and write user's files in Dropbox.