I need some help with the serial port (UART) read function. I need to read in and display the hex value, but currently I'm reading in the ASCII values.
to send the hex over the UART I use
char data [] = {0xFF};
write(fd, data, sizeof(data));
which does the work well. But I have a problem with the reading in. I want to be able to read hex values and use the read values later.
Currently I'm reading with this function
read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
But as a result it displays me the ASCII values, I know I need to make some kind of conversion, but I have searched and was unsuccessful of finding how to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Code is likely reading the data OK, but need to use "%X"
for subsequent display.
For each byte:
If recent compiler,
printf("%02hhX", buffer[i]);
printf("%02X", (unsigned char) buffer[i]);