Basically what I want to do is this:
std::function< int( void ) > foo = &getInt;
int magicNumber = 13;
std::function< int( void ) > delayedAdd = std::bind( std::plus, magicNumber, getInt );
Clearly this won't work. I need to somehow wrap the getInt
call so that it happens right before the std::plus
function happens. Then all that would need to be delayed till I call delayedAdd
I'm working with Qt5.0 outside a QObject so I can't connect
a lambda to a SLOT
. But I want to connect
something like the delayedAdd
to the SLOT
+tag funception
You can defer the function call by using std::bind
using namespace std;
int getInt() {
cout << "getInt!" << endl;
return 42;
function<int(void)> foo = &getInt;
int magicNumber = 13;
cout << "before delayed definition" << endl;
function<int(void)> delayed = std::bind(plus<int>(), magicNumber, bind(foo));
cout << "after delayed definition" << endl;
int i = delayed();
cout << "after delayed call" << endl;
before delayed definition
after delayed definition
after delayed call
You do not need to define foo
like you did, either. You can just bind getInt
directly in the definition of delayed
function<int(void)> delayed = bind(plus<int>(), magicNumber, bind(getInt));
For more details on std::bind, check N3797, paragraph 20.9.9.
For a more concrete explanation, cppreference says:
std::bind return type
Member function operator() Given an object g obtained from an earlier call to bind, when it is invoked in a function call expression g(u1, u2, ... uM), an invocation of the stored object of type std::decay::type takes place, with arguments defined as follows:
- If std::is_bind_expression::value == true (i.e. another bind subexpression was used as an argument in the initial call to bind), then that bind subexpression is invoked immediately and its result is passed to the invocable object. If the bind subexpression has any placeholder arguments, they are picked from u1, u2, ....