I'm not sure if this is doable in JMeter. Is there a way to save the average response time and std deviation that's shown in the "View Results in Table" Listener to the results file? The csv file that's saved has all the data in the table, it just doesn't have the average and std. dev. in it which would be nice to have. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Here's an image from my Jmeter.
EDIT: If there's a way to do it with another Listener, I'm all ears, although:
EDIT#2: I need to automate this so whatever solution there is, hopefully we can tell jmeter to do it from the command line too.
Average response time and deviation cannot be recorded, they have to be calculated after the run.
So for instance if you run JMeter in non-GUI mode as
jmeter -n -t path_to_jmx_file -l path_to_jtl_file
it'll produce CSV output file. After opening it in MS Excel or equivalent you should be able to add a couple of simple formulae to get these values.
Besides you can open results .jtl
file with any JMeter Listener and they'll do the calculations for you. So there is no need to keep listeners during performance test run as they do consume memory, feed results file to those, which are matching your expected reporting after the run.
Another option is using JMeter Ant Task which provides nice HTML output.
Finally you can consider using a JMeter Plugin which uploads results to the cloud, builds professional looking and easy readable tables and graphs and has capability to compare different test run results. Check out sample report for details