I want to create ggplot2::geom_area plots from summary datasets that have some data categories missing for some of the data periods (month), for instance:
d = data.frame(x = rep(1:10,each=4), y = rnorm(40,10), cat=rep(c('A','B','C','D'), 10))
(d = d[-sample(1:40,10),]) # remove some rows
ggplot(d, aes(x, y, fill=cat)) + geom_area()
Ggplot's stacked area plot doesn't respond well to missing values, so it seems we need to add zero entries to the data.frame. The best way I can think (unless any better suggestions?) of is to reshape2::dcast
it, convert NA's to zeros and reshape back. But I can't figure out the right formula. Grateful for assistance from someone who understands reshape(2).
dcast(d, x ~ cat) # right direction but missing the data
x A B C D
1 1 A B C D
2 2 <NA> B C <NA>
3 3 A B C D
4 4 <NA> B C <NA>
5 5 A <NA> C D
6 6 A B C D
7 7 <NA> B C <NA>
8 8 A B C D
9 9 <NA> B <NA> D
10 10 A B <NA> D
# Expand the data.frame
p.data <- merge(d,
# Fill NA values with zeros
p.data$y[is.na(p.data$y)] <- 0
# Plot the graph
ggplot(p.data, aes(x, y, fill=cat)) +