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How to delete a sales order which is in sales order status?

I am a newbie to openerp. I have a sales order under the module 'sales' which is in 'Sales Order' status. The order number is 'SO019' . And i want to delete this sales order in the list.

When i tried to delete this sales order i got the following OpenErp Warning

Invalid Action!

In order to delete a confirmed sales order, you must cancel it.
To do so, you must first cancel related picking for delivery orders. 

But i have no option to cancel this delivery in the 'warehouse/Delivery Orders' Instead of this i have the following two options

  1. Print Delivery Slip
  2. Return Products

When i click onto the Return products i am getting the following warning


No products to return (only lines in Done state and not fully returned yet can be returned)! 

Is there anyway that i can delete this sales order(SO019) in the sales orders list?

Thanks in advance..


  • When you save the Confirm Sale Order, The Delivery Order is made. So first you need to cancel first delivery order. In Delivery Order has button name Cancel Transfer.

    If your delivery order is in Delivered state than you can not delete Sale Order.

    At first time for Delivery Order, click on Return Product. The reverse entry is create. You can see that entry in Incoming Shipment. for example IN/001-OUT/002-return entry is created.

    Now At Second time you click on Return Product from the Same Delivery order as you do above step than you got your above warning. Because you can not return product twice for same Delivery Order.

    Hope this will help you.