We are trying to migrate from tiles 2.x to 3.x but facing some problems:
We have used the below tiles defination In Tiles 2.0
<tiles:insertDefinition name="header.${countryCode}" ignore="false" />
But in tiles 3.0 the ignore="false"
has been removed, so want to know what other alternative exists. Simply removing ignore="false"
can result in runtime exceptions.
Here are the javadoc:
Tiles 2.x
Tiles 3.x
Can you confirm that ignore="true" worked on insertDefinition for you when using tiles-2.2 ?
For the moment i can't see that ignore is used in http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tiles/framework/branches/TILES_2_2_X/tiles-jsp/src/main/java/org/apache/tiles/jsp/taglib/InsertDefinitionTag.java?view=markup