I'm displaying very fuzzy dates, currently in <span>
elements, for a series of <li>
items, e.g.
<h1>The Big Lebowski 2</h1>
I'd like to use something more semantic than a <span>
, but from reading up on the subject here it doesn't seem that the <time>
element is intended for such nonspecific periods of time.
Is there another option or way to use <time>
properly to display this type of information? It seems microformats might be what I'm looking for but I'm very unfamiliar with them; any input appreciated.
There is nothing in HTML specifications or HTML5 drafts or the WHATWG “Living HTML” for expressing a period of time, still less an fuzzy period, beyond the point that a year, a month, etc. (expressed with the time
element) can be regarded as a period (e.g., from the start of a year till the end of the year).
In microformats, as well as in comparable systems (microdata, RDFa) for detailed microdata associated with HTML elements, you can express metadata e.g. for events, with properties like startDate
and endDate
– but they are, at least in the Schema.org approach that major search engines are said to favor, specific date (and time) notations.