I'm trying to make a route that will process big xml files using camel-stax. A file content processing works fine, but at the end it fails with a following error:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Renaming file from: C:\workdir\file.xml to: C:\workdir\.camel\file.xml failed due cannot delete from file: C:\workdir\file.xml after copy succeeded
It seems that camel doesn't close a file input stream, so after processing it cannot move a file to a target location. Of course, I can set noop=true, bit I wanted to remove processed files.
My route looks like following:
<route id="myRoute">
<from uri="file:{{working_dir}}?include=file.xml" />
<split streaming="true">
<to uri="log:test"/>
Initially it was a little bit more complex and I simplified it as possible. Now it looks just like a last sample from here http://camel.apache.org/stax.
Additional note: I execute the route on Windows. Camel version: 2.12.2.
So it looks like a bug in the camel-stax component.
I've found an alternative way of how to deal with big xml files. I've rewritten my route as following:
<route id="myRoute">
<from uri="file:{{working_dir}}?include=file.xml&delete=true" />
<split streaming="true">
<tokenize token="entry" xml="true"/>
<unmarshal ref="myJaxb"/>
<!-- ... -->