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Oracle Pro*C -- Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm teaching myself Pro*C and this is a program with a cursor through records in a database, and it compiles and runs. It gets as a far as prompting "Enter a Guest_ID(type exit to terminate)>>". After that it errors as "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" if an integer is entered. If a string is entered, it seems to go into the conditional immediately inside the outer for loop at


and prints "BYE" then exits. Since I'm still getting familiar with how variables are declared and fed in from SQL, I wasn't sure what declarations might be crucial for troubleshooting here so I'm leaving the code largely intact here.

exec sql include sqlca;

// OK - Here we GO
void main()
    // First, create all the variables that we will need to communicate between 
    // the "C" program and the database
    exec sql begin declare section;
        //VARCHAR sLastName[51], sFirstName[51], sHotelName[51], sCheckInDate[12], sRoom[11];
        VARCHAR sLastName[51], sFirstName[51], sHotelName[51], sTransDate[11];
        //int nDays, nGuest_ID, nCount;
        int nGuest_ID, nQuantity, nUnitPrice, nCount, nHotelID, nItemID;
        //VARCHAR sInCity[11];
        VARCHAR sItemName[31], sTaxable[11];
        VARCHAR sUserID[21], sPassword[21];
    exec sql end declare section;
/////// begin needs work ///////
        // Now define the cursor we will use to get all of the charges that the guest incurred at all hotels
    exec sql declare dbGuest cursor for
        Select G.Guest_ID, G.Last_Name, G.First_Name, C.Item_ID, C.Item_Name, C.Quantity, C.Unit_Price, C.Trans_Date, H.Hotel_Name, H.Hotel_ID, SI.Taxable
        From Hotel H, Charge C, Stay S, Guest G, Sales_Item SI Where
        C.Stay_ID=S.Stay_ID And H.Hotel_ID=S.Hotel_ID And G.Guest_ID=S.Guest_ID
            And SI.Item_ID=C.Item_ID
        Group By S.Guest_ID;
//////// end needs work ///////
    // Set up the user-id and password to access my database
    // Because we are using the local database on this server
    // we don't need to use any database location or SID
    exec sql connect :sUserID identified by :sPassword;

    // sqlca.sqlcode is a variable that is set based on the last command sent in to the database
    // a value anything other than zero for what we just did (connect to the database) indicates
    // a error.
    if(sqlca.sqlcode !=0)
        //printf("Sorry, cannot connect to server, pgm aborted %s\n",sqlca.sqlcode); //correction 2/5/14
        printf("Sorry, cannot connect to server, pgm aborted %d\n",sqlca.sqlcode); //change to %d
    //we made it here, so we were able to open the database correctly
    exec sql SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :nCount FROM Guest;
    printf ("There are %d Guests.\n",nCount);
        // Read in through stdio the Guest we want to query, then set it up do we can use it
        printf("Enter a Guest_ID(type exit to terminate)>>\n");
        //Guest_ID.len= strlen(Guest_ID.arr);
        printf("%s %s %s %s %d\n","Charge Summary for:", sFirstName.arr, sLastName.arr, " Guest_ID:", nGuest_ID);
        //printf("I do not work yet (type exit to terminate)>>\n");
                // Open our cursor and begin reading records
        exec sql open dbGuest;
            //exec sql fetch dbGuest into :nGuest_ID, :sLastName, :sFirstName, :sHotelName, :sCheckInDate, :nDays, :sRoom;
            exec sql fetch dbGuest into :nGuest_ID, :sLastName, :sFirstName, :nItemID, :sItemName, :nQuantity, :nUnitPrice, :sTransDate, :sHotelName, :nHotelID;
            if(sqlca.sqlcode !=0)  // If anything went wrong or we read past eof, stop the loop
            // Do the crazy stuff to end the C-Strings
            sLastName.arr[sLastName.len] = 0;
            sFirstName.arr[sFirstName.len] = 0;
            sItemName.arr[sItemName.len] = 0;
            sTransDate.arr[sTransDate.len] = 0;
            sHotelName.arr[sHotelName.len] = 0;

            // Print out the information for this guest
            printf("%s %d %s %s \n", "Sales_Item: ", nItemID, " - ", sItemName.arr);
        // close the cursor and end the program
        exec sql close dbGuest ;

I'm sure I'm making some simple mistake but I didn't find anything helpful on search. I'm running this on a server, and I'm not getting any debugging back (this is the only major bug I haven't been able to solve up to this point), so what you have is what I have. Normally C programs would be run in debuggers but this is ProC and I'm kind of lost with the whole Oracle ProC debugging thing (since it's running on a remote database). With this kind of error I'd usually suspect not allocating memory properly, but I don't see anything like that here.

Went through these but not helpful:

Segmentation fault (core dumped) runtime error in C

Not so Useful Error -- Segmentation Fault (Core Dump) in Homework Assignment

Segmentation Fault(core dumped)

Segmentation fault (core dumped) read from stdin


  • Since nGuest_ID is an int, when calling scanf(), you'll need to provide address of nGuest_ID:


    That's the likely cause of the core dump you're experiencing, but, also, OracleUser made some excellent suggestions.

    Hope that helps.