I'm working in a project and I need to support iOS 5.1.1 but in the drop menu of "deployment target" I don't have 5.1.1 as option:
My question for you guys is how can I add the iOS 5.1.1 as deployment target?
I'll really appreciate your help.
You can type it by hand in the box, if you feel like, and even if this is not available as a dropdown option or you can do the same from "Build Settings">"Deployment">"iOS Deployment Target" section.
However, if you have to go below 5.1.1, please make sure that you have not used 64 bit architecture $(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT) in your "Build Settings">"Architectures">"Architectures" section. Stick to standard ARM 32 bit architecture $(ARCHS_STANDARD) only.
(This portion is not directly related to the actual answer)
Starting from Xcode 6, $(ARCHS_STANDARD) includes 64 bit architecture, by default (armv7 arm64). So, if you archive your code with default "Release" configuration with $(ARCHS_STANDARD), it will create a fat binary with both armv7 and arm64 slices it it. Unfortunately, that kind of binary is not supported in iOS prior to 5.1.1.
So if you are still planning your app for iOS less than 5.1.1 you should set your "Release" architecture to armv7 (and may be armv7s also), explicitly. Alternatively, you could create a separate build configuration for armv7(and armv7s) only architecture and archive your code seperately with both of your "Release" and custom configurations. Although, this is never a good idea for App Store deployment.