Trying to parse info from a xml file that's hosted on a site. I'm making a tv addon for xbmc and my issue is that the info is all on on page and i only want to parse in sections like all of season 1! Where it only shows Season 1 in one spot then all of the episode below it then on season 2. I'm not sure how to write it type of code to only pull up season 1 if in click on season 1! Below is what i got going on:
if type == 'tv_seasons':
match=re.compile('<Season no="(.+?)">').findall(content)
for seasonnumber in match:
item_url = new_url
item_title = 'Season ' + seasonnumber
item_id = common.CreateIdFromString(title + ' ' + item_title)
self.AddContent(list, indexer, common.mode_Content, item_title, item_id, 'tv_episodes', url=item_url, name=name, season=seasonnumber)
elif type == 'tv_episodes':
from import Net
net = Net()
content2 = net.http_GET(url).content
for item_v_id_2, link_url, item_title in match:
item_v_id_2 = str(int(item_v_id_2))
item_url = link_url
item_id = common.CreateIdFromString(name + '_season_' + season + '_episode_' + item_v_id_2)
self.AddContent(list, indexer, common.mode_File_Hosts, item_title, item_id, type, url=item_url, name=name, season=season, episode=item_v_id_2)
So now i'm working with this but still not working out for me.
tree2 = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
root2 = tree2.getroot()
seasonnum = root2.findall("Show/Episodelist/Season[@no='%s']/episode/seasonnum" % season)
seasonnumtext = seasonnum.text
title = root2.findall("Show/Episodelist/Season[@no='%s']/episode/title" % season)
item_title = title.text
item_v_id_2 = str(int(seasonnumtext))
item_url = url
item_id = common.CreateIdFromString(name + '_season_' + season + '_episode_' + item_v_id_2)
self.AddContent(list, indexer, common.mode_File_Hosts, item_title, item_id, type, url=item_url, name=name, season=season, episode=item_v_id_2)
I would recommend using Python XML Parser. You can then traverse the XML tree in a similar manner to Python dictionaries and lists.