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How do I change the Maven-WAR plugin's cache file location?

I’m using Maven 3.1.1 and using the Maven-war plugin v 2.4. I would like to create the cache in a directory other than the ${basedir}/target/war/work directory, but I can’t seem to figure out how to configure the plugin to do that. I tried


However, the work directory never changes. Any idea how to configure things so that the plugin respects where I want to place the cache file?


  • I'm going to explain what i discovered with the help of the debug flag (mvn -X clean install).

    Default values are:

    <workDirectory default-value="${}/war/work"/>
    <cacheFile default-value="${}/war/work/webapp-cache.xml"/>

    As stated in maven war plugin's doc, workDirectory parameter is where where overlays will be temporarily extracted; changing it will not affect the path of the cache's file.

    Instead, adding a cacheFile tag to configuration


    will override the cache's final position, resulting in:

    [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war' with basic configurator -->
    [DEBUG]   (s) archiveClasses = false
    [DEBUG]   (s) attachClasses = true
    [DEBUG]   (s) cacheFile = C:\customdir\webapp-cache.xml

    Regards, PaoloC